February 04, 2008

Site News: A new medium of Entertainment is reviewed

We here at Three Geek Review love movies, but there are other avenues of entertainment that we love as well. Movies, books, music, even video games are things that one or all of us love.

Because movies are so easily accessible and fast, we tend to dwell on them. You can watch a movie in about 2 hours usually. An album you can listen to in about 45 minutes. Books and video games take a little longer. All of us read, but only Thad and I are "gamers." So if you are looking forward to the game reviews; be patient. We are but 2, and a video game takes a hell of a lot longer to play through than a night at the movies.

This week we will be reviewing 2 video games. Thad will be telling us about Grasshopper Manufacture's "No More Heroes" for the Wii later this week and I will be posting a review of Capcom's "Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trials and Tribulations" for the Nintendo DS later today. (Monday, February 4th, 2008)

Don't worry, we are still going to be telling you all about movies and the like, we just like to branch off every now and again.

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